Why do we require your personal information

Cameron & Co require personal information from you to enable us to fulfil our contractual agreement as per our Letter of Engagement which allows us to provide various services to our clients such as: to prepare accounts, personal tax submissions and payroll services.

How do we manage and protect your personal information

When you share your personal information with us, you have a right to expect that information will be treated with total confidentiality. Therefore, it is our responsibility to manage the personal data that you provide us with care and in accordance with all data protection legislation and industry best practice.

Information which you have provided to us will be held both in a paper file format and also on our electronic database. There are security measures in place with protected passwords to ensure that only authorised personnel have access to your information and secure premises to store and protect all paper files.

Breach of information

If there is an external breach of our security systems we will notify you as soon as possible and we will also alert the ICO (Information Commissioner’s Office who are the data protection regulator in the UK.

Who we will share your information with

Personal information retained by Cameron & Co will not be shared with any third party organisation other than those required to provide the services which we offer, namely Companies House and HMRC for purposes of accounts, tax submissions and related services unless there is a legal obligation for us to share information relating to a client e.g. money laundering.

Personal Contact

We will make contact with you by telephone, letter or email depending on the nature of the request. We may from time to time make contact with you by email to advise of any seminars or workshops which we deem to be of interest to you personally or to your business.

How long we will retain your personal information

Following accounts or tax submissions, documentation will be retained for a period of six years as per HMRC guidelines and a period of three years for payroll documentation. Should Cameron & Co no longer be engaged to provide accountancy services for a client we are legally required to retain personal information also for this period after which the information will be destroyed. Cameron & Co has a contract with a company who will destroy such documentation and issue a certificate of confirmation.

Your rights

You have the right to access the information that we hold on your behalf and as per legislation you have the right to amend the information if required. However, it is your responsibility to ensure that your personal data provided to us is accurate and up to date. If you require access to the information held on your behalf please write to me at Cameron & Co, Chartered Accountants, 48 Court Street, Haddington, East Lothian, EH41 3NP and I will respond within the statutory 30 day period. Should you have a complaint regarding information processing, which I have been unable to address, you have the right to make a complaint to the governing authority and can do this by contacting the ICO at www.ico.org.uk